It's been some time since my last post, much has happened professionally and personally, almost all great news. Still, this blog is important to me, and I need to resume.
Nothing link the following excerpt from a New Yorker story about Steve Jobs:
Jobs, we learn, was a bully. “He had the uncanny capacity to know exactly what your weak point is, know what will make you feel small, to make you cringe,” a friend of his tells Isaacson. Jobs gets his girlfriend pregnant, and then denies that the child is his. He parks in handicapped spaces.
Read more http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2011/11/14/111114fa_fact_gladwell#ixzz1d3B6OZ6a
Read more http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2011/11/14/111114fa_fact_gladwell#ixzz1d3B6OZ6a
I had heard stories of Jobs' confrontational, ranting management style indirectly from a few employees. Since his death, the tributes and "non-tributes" have emerged. Love most of the products, save the heavy-handed closeness of the software, and the constraint for iTunes and the App store.
Still, if the above quote is true, then my opinion of the Apple founder has diminished. I think you can be an innovator, a CEO, and a visionary without impeding the vulnerable.
And to think of how much we talk about accessibility and interface when discussing Apple ;-) -- all opinions are mine -- JD