Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Submissions Now Open

Recently, "Team SIGCSE 2008" has been working to again provide the online submission system for proposals. Special thanks go out to John Dooley and Henry Walker for changes that make it easier to generate proceedings and programs directly from materials submitted to the DB. Also, kudos to Program Chairs Sue Fitzgerald and Mark Guzdial for developing reviewer guidance in hopes of improving the entire review process, especially since each is involved in the ICER 2007 conference in Atlanta in September (also, they both have "z"'s in their last names, making it easier to compose email to them :-).

Now that we have a better sense of the space available in Portland, we are putting together the pre-conference activities. For example, the Doctoral Consortium will again provide opportunities for our future CS educators. Thanks to Josh Tenenberg and Donald Joyce for their work now and "yet to come." We hope to have other announcements of associated activities in subsequent posts.

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