... Ada Lovelace understood
That Babbage's machine was good ...
Anyway, we were all asked by Barbara Boucher Owens, current president of SIGCSE and role model for women in computing in her own right, to post a blog entry about a role model for women in computing.

Susan and I co-chaired SIGCSE 2008, so I have worked with her often remotely but consistently throughout 2007 and the start of 2008. Her "pleasant persistence" resulted in many contributions to SIGCSE 2008, including new corporate supporters, a day care center/kid's camp, conference bags, and even SIGCSE cookies.
Susan's contributions to computing education are many, including
- JFLAP: a tool to help students visualize NFAs, DFAs, and other concepts found in the theory of computation (and a finalist candidate in the NEEDS Premier Award for Excellence in Engineering Education Courseware)
- Alice as tool for outreach and teaching, especially for young women, hosting workshops for middle school teachers
- Peer Led Team Learning Activities and Workshops
- ACM Java Task Force
- Duke Student ACM-W Chapter Faculty Advisor
- Distinguished Member of the ACM
Thanks for the chance to promote my former co-chair's (and current friend) accomplishments for Ada Lovelace Day, as well as embarrass her I'm sure :-) -- JD