There are less than two weeks until the
SIGCSE 2008 Symposium, we on the steering committee are extremely busy with preparations for the conference (attendance over
1,050 already!). There are some important deadlines this coming
Saturday, March 1, 2008; in particular, conference registration rates increase about $30, students must register by then in order to volunteer (and earn their registration while connecting with the conference), and our remaining
hotels (Paramount and Heathman) conference rates expire. Please, you know you want to go :-), visit our
attendance link and make it happen, save some money and help us to prepare!
I have had many opportunities to note our first keynote speaker and SIGCSE Award Winner,
Randy Pausch in this blog. I apologize for my delinquency in citing our two other keynote speakers, and remedy that here and now.
Marissa Mayer (photo left) will address the Symposium
Friday morning. She is a Vice President of Search Products and User Experience at
Google, reportedly the
first woman hired there, and involved in
many projects (including movie nights!). Most recently, Marissa was
interviewed by the Chronicle of Higher Education about products for college students, administration and faculty.

luncheon speaker on Saturday is
Ed Lazowska, Bill and Melinda Gates Chair in Computer Science & Engineering at the
University of Washington. Professor Lazowska (pumpkin right :-) has been very active with the
NSF/CRA (logo lower left) and was recently interviewed by the
CRA News. You might want to check out this
interview as it seems to overlap some of the points he might address at
SIGCSE 2008.

In fact, I would suggest the entire January issue of CRA news for Dan Reed's comments on
research and education, as well as an
article on a computer science major for arts and science students at the University of Virginia (note,
my CS department resides in a division of
natural science at a liberal arts college, go figure ;-).
PS: Happy Leap Day!
1 comment:
Professional Keynote Speaker Anders is an accredited facilitator of the Herrmann Brain Dominance Indicator Thinque
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